Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MDP Controlling the Parliament: a good or bad move?

Different people have different arguments and credence in democracies that nurtures today. The current dispute that we see from our juvenile democratic community is how to distribute the power within the People’s Majlis. MDP and the other major parties are trying to grip every single seat in the Majlis. The amusing thing is that every party is trying to convince their status-quo to the public in the name of democracy. So, who is right or wrong? As a rule of thumb, whether it is a democracy, communism or socialist atmosphere there should be an exclusive rationale to every dilemma. Thus, we should go beyond a single reason to piece together to find a solution to this predicament.

One must reconsider the judgment people have been made in the last presidential election. The public judgment was based on the performance and government etiquette which have been enforced in the regime’s institutions for three decades. By rewinding the past, MDP was pessimistic shadow crowd who have been brought attention to the public that Mr Gayoom was using his grip in every speck of the law enforcement institutions; the government, People’s Majlis and National Judiciary. They disparaged to the ex-regime that three powers should be separated from the government to serve the public in fair and balanced means.

Indeed, now we see a very different tone of MDP trying to convince the public by taking paradigms of major democracies around the globe. The most loquacious democracy is the American dynamic democracy which MPD lighten up their argument by pointing out the US Democratic Party where it controls both the government and US Senate.

Special Advisor to the President Dr. Hassan Saeed has said that the view by the government to control the People’s Majlis and to control the separated three powers is something the people has to deeply think about as it is not something that would benefit the people.

In contrary to that, our democracy is a very young democracy and need sufficient time to adopt fair and balanced rules to govern future governments. Therefore, important institutions like the People’s Majlis and judiciary institution should be filled with multiparty faces without control over by a single party for better democratic outcomes. If the government controls the parliament and judiciary, then it is being replicating the past against the will of the people.

People have been voted for a real change and the fact is that the people did not vote for a single party but voted for a multiparty national alliance. Dr Saeed believes that the term of the People’s Majlis could be carried out efficiently only if there are people who could shadow the government, and that the government should carry out a good governance even without a Parliament majority in a fully functional Presidential System.

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