Sunday, January 18, 2009

Politics and Religious Ideology in Maldives

Let’s be fair and do some homework on this issue of politics and religious ideology in the Maldives. At present, I think the majority of Maldivian politicians never take the faith seriously. The underlining fact is that, these politicians are dishonest and driven their minds with material life. By analysing some of the facts, we find some disturbing discoveries of these parliamentarians.
After sworn as MPs, the very first Majilis gathering was to discuss their base salary with more incentives as if the Maldives was the richest nation on the earth. They increased their base salary with a package of more than sixty grand a month with incentives where no Maldivians ever dreamed. On the contrary, they had sworn as MPs by begging our fellow Maldivians with promises to build jetties, electric power generators and ferry boats etc into view. But at the end of the day, they are all seizing our remaining penny for their very own pleasure. Beyond reasons, now they are flying with their green passports to best holiday destinations while their fellow Maldivians are struggling to get three meals a day. Bear in mind, these people beat us with the same rhythm that Mr Gayoom was prowling the national reserve for his own pleasure.

Can anyone see a difference between them and Mr Gayoom? Of course, the difference is that they take the money under the shadow of Parliament by making their neoconservative rules against to the public. Does the public have enough power to disarm these criminals? The underline answer is simply thumbs down! Whether we quarrel or have peaceful demonstrations against them nothing‘s going to be easy for us yet. However, we have to wait for the next election and they will come and beg at our doorsteps as like Egypt’s Phero and Haman, which they pledged to the God to bestow them with more rations and time for their transformational doctrine of faith. This is how faithful and accountable these people are to their own fellow citizens by doing a slack job filling their pockets to fortify their underworld dealings. They use the religion as a tool to get extra vote and stay on course to steal every penny in the treasury.

This is the divine prophesy of our politics. More and more people are getting involved to taste this treasure as if they were in the treasure land. Out of every four people three is campaigning for next parliamentary election. Are these people out of their mind? Do they really think they can layout fair and balanced policies and laws to rule out this country? These parliamentarians took a half century to put up a constitution with few hundred pages.

At the end of the day everything ends in the garbage and the same group of people started writing a new version of law as like their predecessors. But, by taking more holidays and empty chairs in the parliament doesn’t seem right to us!? How many years we have to wait and see the real democratic faces? How many are keeping their faith once they sworn into MPs? The questions are tough but the answer is simple and well-known. No one dares about democracy or religion and its all about money and power!

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