Friday, February 20, 2009

Anonymous Story: Pedophile Harrased me when I was 14

The following story is from an Anonymous email and was published with the approval from the Anonymous writer. Words and phrases were changed for his agreed terms but the content remains unchanged. The story is about the pictured pedophile Fazeel and the Anonymous but names of other people included were erased under the atollcounselor's policy.

I know this man (the pedophile in the picture) as a good neighbour. I was not a good friend but he was friends with many of friends at my age in those days and some were even younger than me.

My story is very horrific to me and never will forget that strange night. It was 1990 when I was just only 14. It was after the final exam break when I was in grade seven. On night, I went to Male’ North Harbour to see a music show without telling my mom. After I’sha prayer I headed to this place by myself and when I reached there people were getting ready for the show.

Soon after the show began, I felt bored and hungry and wanted to go to home but before I made up my mind I met this Fazeel. As I said before, I know this man as a neighbor. He asked me how things were and about my friends. We chatted for five minutes and I told him that I was feeling bored and going to go home soon. Then, he invited me to his house to see some movies. However, first I refused to go to his house and gave him an excuse that my mom will be looking for me. He convinced me that it won’t take too long and if I don’t like the movies I can go home anytime. Also, he told me that there were other friends in his house watching movies.

I headed to his place without convincing myself that I will be safe if I go with him without knowing my mom. Through my friends I have been heard that they usually watch porn movies in his house. Knowing that I thought I will be safe in his house with other friends he mentioned to me.

I went to his house and it was a new place where I have never been before and he told me that he moved to a new place due to his personal reasons. A little I know about the place, he knocked his room and a friend opened the room and happened to be a school mate but in a lower grade than I. There were three of them in the room and my first glanced was on the TV and they were watching a porn movie. He showed me the bed to sit and told me to be comfortable and enjoy seeing what he has got. By the time I sit one of the two guys (young boys age 12-15) in the room they went off and the one left was getting ready to take a shower. This man is a well know figure in the local film industry, a short guy and bit gay look and famous for his dances in Dhivehi songs.

The film star went into the toilet and Fazeel came over me and gave me porn playing cards and magazines. He sat right next to me and I refused to watch the porn movie and cards. He started caring my back and told me to be relaxed in the bed. He said that with a gentle touch on my thigh near my growing area and I stood up and confronted him with my excuse. I told him that my mom will be looking for me and I am not interested to watch anything and I wanted to go home for the my dinner. I was standing in front of him near the bed and he refused my demands he touched my growing area saying that it will be fun. As like a small kid, I repeated my excuse and told him that I went to see the music show without telling mom and if known she will be very angry.

I was trembling with fear and badly wanted to escape that trap. I tried to shout but my fear stops me to take any strange action. He saw my fear and he said not to be fearful and get the enjoyment. I walked to the door and told him with fear and repudiate voice that I just wanted to go home. Then, he asked me to go but told me to come some other time to watch a movie. I said yes to him because badly I wanted to escape from him and quickly I opened the door and escaped the trap. I didn’t know how I got home, I was shivering and scared to mention this sexual encounter to my parents or anyone else to this date.

I still can see his room and the walls were decorated with sexual figures and there were various toys and porn magazines on the floor. With luck I have escaped but everytime when I saw him on the road with these young kids I have had this strange feeling and asked myself that what their future holds with him. When I saw this article from Haveeru Daily what I thought was right and many young kids were victims of this man and his gang but writing or revealing this story will not be a recipe for my psychological cause. What I know is that still my past thoughts haunts me as if it things were happened today.

Please click the related link to see the detailed report from Haveeru Online:


  1. Yeah these gays are on the rise, gay propaganda gays ruining our children minds more than 50% of the child abuse cases are gay. This problems are interrelated there will be other links as well Paedophile Gay let us cut off there penis.

  2. beware of hilath rasheed. he promotes gay (same sex) and no-religion (atheism).

  3. You had the guts to say no to this guy. I am so glad for you ...that you had the courage to escape from his wicked claws ..unfortunate for those others. In this story, you have offered readers a deep insight on how this man operates. Thank you for sharing this, it takes courage to come out to the open and disclose something as personal as this. You are indeed

  4. to:"hilath friend" which i doubt u r.. hilath may or may not b gay.. but tht dsn't make him a pedophile.. sme1 being gay dsnt make them a pedophile.. pedophiles are ppl who get their satisfaction from abusing innocent children so u better educate yourself b4 jst saying whtever cmes to your tongue..
