Friday, February 27, 2009



We are writing to express our great concern of your website with blogs propagating the offensive against Islam. There are few blogs in your site who promotes this agenda to spread hatred within this small community. When you go through these blogs you will find materials which are terrifyingly disturbing and illegitimate.

Latterly, one blog ( has published cartoons of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) with offensive idiom where there is no ground to validate that the act is just their rights under the freedom of speech banner. The aim of these materials is to disseminate deliberate insult into a wider community and getting attention of their hatred.

As to the matter of fact, your blog is not only for adults but also for minors. Some of the blogs are with sexual and offensive materials where minors can easily be accessed via your website. Not only minors, there are decent people who frequently visit to your website to read the informative blogs where you published in your website.

We presume your site has been a contributing platform to the aforementioned bloggers who take the advantage to promote their hatred driven materials. We think the aforesaid blogger has gone too far by publishing the Prophet (PBUH) cartoons under the umbrella of freedom of speech.

This fuss is all about respect. This is to save the ideology of peace in our small community. When we grow up in a world where religions are targeted and ideologies are criticized, where freedom of speech is used as freedom to abuse. Minors grow up watching such motives in extreme media and internet entries and they became insensitive about these things. They start thinking its normal and the antisocial behavior become a symbol of pride. Neutral Point of View is used to promote extreme point of view.

In such situation we have to do something it’s a moral obligation of every citizen. Whether someone hates or loves religions we have to abide the social norms respecting the community to live in a peaceful environment. Helping the community with issues like this would be nothing but humanitarian act whilst recognizing peace and tranquility serve the best for humanity.

Therefore, we urge to take appropriate action with these offensive bloggers by removing them from your blog to help the wider community.

Yours Sincerely


  1. I don't think it's mvblog's problem. You should read the disclaimer they have on the bottom. There are a lot of extreme islamic blogs there as well. mvblog is just an automatic aggregator. If you don't want any ideas or images which conflicts your way of thinking to be on the internet you should also ask their author to remove them from the internet, and also you should ask the ISPs to censorship. But this will only fire more hatred toward people who do not tolerate other systems of thoughts. I please you to open your mind and realize that there are few more people in this world than you and the few buddies you know.

  2. Dear so-called Muslims of the Maldives. I have declared war upon you. If you think you can hide behind the banner of Islam, while approving of the rape of minors, the beating of children for exercising their natural emotions and your rampant hypocrisy involving "Islamizing" Maldives, you've got another thing coming. This is the opening campaign. The first shot has been fired.

    For only by bloodshed and violence against the enemy has a war been truly won, not by mere compromise.

    Prepare yourself.

    PS: I think you guys have trouble reading. You really should have attended basic schooling.

  3. I don't think you Islam-lovers, all knowing righteous brats understand wots happening here in the hell hole.
    You talk about anti and hatred driven blogs. Have you ever heard of a Friday sermon. adalath radio or TV programm? Have you ever read a islam text book? Aren't you all day repeatedly by Moslem friends, mother father, neighbours told to hate white, infidels? What are you trying to say.
    If one wants to write about Mohammad, what is the problem. Who are you so called right moslems to dictate us on anything. You piece of SH**T

  4. ho ho ho

    Muslims working under the banner of peace to promote hatred towards free thinking, muslims talking of respect when they have no respect for even the most basic human rights, muslims talking of morality thinking that morality is synonymous with religion, muslims practicing hypocrisy at the highest possible level.

  5. @shadowrunner

    dont think your the only one who had proper education, if its a war ur a single person with a handful of ppl. follow whatever you want, leave others alone, or u might be sorry.

    we tell no one to hate whites or anyone as long as they dont mess with us. its very sad some ppl comment under diff names just to show their community is big, lol get a life.


  6. So you don't believe there are Maldivians who do not like your ways huh! It is not only Shadowrunner. Haven't you seen the blogosphere. Don't you see the difference in writing language and the point of view on each of this blogger or anonymous or commend with name.
    Don't think you have got a community there! We have as much as you have or may be more. You will be defeated!

  7. Actually, I honestly think I didn't get a complete education either - I was forced to stop after O' Levels when my parents didn't want me going into co-ed school.

    Yeah, sure. I'm all for lakum dheenukum valiya dheen, but when you beardies beat the one girl who cooks for me for having human emotions;- they've committed an act of war.

    Hehe, you guys are more disorganized than any bureaucracy I've ever struggled with. Pay more attention to the sermons your pals do.

    PS: I'm at work.

  8. Hey we have got 1.5 billion and btw whats your number 100 or thousand! I am gonna beat your freaking little maldivian *****....let there be a war?? Are you joking man?

    This freaking maldivian buggers think they are pritty funny and educated! you got your mouth few days back and its like you have then when you are born! you come to india and we make babeis for you with your tiny time when u want to come our country give us a yell! we will beat your freaking labidos!

  9. Dear,

    "Latterly" there is a bunch of bloggers on your page of aggregated blogs who are writing deeply offensive shit about my prophet Darwin. One among them has drawn numerous cartoons while others are ridiculing through written words that usually are in conflict with itself. As someone who considers Darwin to be his prophet, I am certain that you would agree with when I say, the said utter rubbish about Darwin cannot be tolerated on your page. Because it is the only true religion and if you do not worship to Darwinism, you will burn in hell for all eternity. It is written in "The Origin of Species"

    My kids browse through your website (among various other harmful material on the Internet) and since I cannot be a responsible father, I would like you to assume this responsibility of controlling what and what-not my children can see. When doing so, I would also like you to adhere to my world view and not to that of people who differ with my world view.

    I sincerely hope you would do everything within your capacity to stop these insulting and offensive publishing pertaining to my prophet, my idol, my saviour Ibn Charles Ibn Darwin.

    Yours truly,
    Freeze Brand

  10. Dear anonymous commentors, I found this article hilarious; so please, please vote "good" for it. I did.

    I'm going home to check on my blog now. Catch y'all later. (Wonder if I'll randomly burst into flame?)

  11. Good article. I agree with it. Thumbs up!!

    Shadowrunner: You are anonymous too cos u hide behind the stupid nick and don't use your real identity. Also describing yourself in your blog, it says you are TERMINALLY FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD. So your sayings are not important to us and also your gay friends, athiests etc etc.

  12. These people only promote gay and athiest stuff...THEY ARE ANGRY TO THEIR OWN RELIGION because they cant drink smoke ganja and have rom with men! LOSERS? get a life and as you said your head is fuckedup with gay and athiest bullshit.

    My real name: Ibrahim Musir

  13. shadow runner is a gay fag who cant get any pussy.

  14. Shadow runner & the likes need to be banned from MVblogs cos they only spread hatred.

  15. Woe unto you! You unbelievers of Islam will be thrown into the bottom of the JAHANNAM on the day of Judgment.

  16. This is really a bad article written by one narrow minded kid who does not have the capacity to accommodate the fact that most people in this world do not think according to his/her way.

    To get the facts correct, there are more non-muslims in this world than muslims. And among what they count as muslims (like for instance Maldives is considered 100% muslim in statistics making up over 200,000), which is surely not the case. And from those there are very few followers of the 'strict' muslims, you will notice this when you go out, most men don't have a beard, most women don't wear Kalhu burugaa. So you can say that most Maldivians are just forced to believe in this Allah, but don't wanna follow it.

    The other proof is that people like you (the reader) who claims to be following Allah and its ways, writing comments on this site, and other sites in the name of Allah defending him, calling all others for good ways, have few more browser windows/tabs open with porn, child-porn and gay porn sites. Hypocrites are those who call for this religion.

    Why don't you learn to tolerate yourself and others.


  17. A great article! keep it up!!!!!

    The anonymous above seems like a closeted gay. Thinks that all others are gay cos he is a athiest gay. Pathetic!

  18. this article is full of shit and stupidity.

  19. hey vishaa.... kaley kahala haraam bakari akha islaam dheen neygunas mahssalaehnei.. mihaaru ves dhuniyege emme baaru speed ga hingaa religion akee islaam dheen. kaley ah western dhon gay aalaathun fenigen dheenuge aqeedha fundufunduviyas ahrmen dheen dhuleh nukuraanan..

  20. hey pizza house fuckers.. u think this is funny huh!! what u have drawn is something came out from your ass.. dont play with islam and our faith, play with your 1/2inch penis

  21. I agree with Visha's comment. We have to learn to tolerate. There are many religions in the world, Islam is just one, and a good one for those who believe in it's true value. It is a religion of peace. Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) tolerated many religions, so why can't we muslims? Follow our best example.

  22. There is nothing intolerable in the given article and some find it is an offensive dreary disregarding their God given freedom of expression. Being a human we also have the same right to defend our faith and culture under the same standard that you deem. So what about us?

    Some think they are very great once they find a chance to leave beyond the economical zone of Maldives. They see them as different people because of their western education with their experiment of the foreign culture. There is no point in being proud of what you have achieved. Giving and getting respect is what you have to reach for.

    Having little bit of friends and living in a foreign culture doesn’t make you more knowledgeable than the rest. Calling others as illiterate and narrow minded is showing the rest that you are one of them.

    No human being is better than the other. Your tradition will always be your culture and your parents will always be your family but your conventional wisdom might be different than the rest. This doesn’t guarantee you the kingship within the society.

    The above writer has written a plea in a decent approach and asking for a protection of his/her chosen choice. Your faith and their faith might be different but respecting others wouldn’t harm you. You are basically asking them to the same plea to respect your freedom of expression. You tell me how could people respect yours if you do not respect the others? I wish I could have done that for you Visha?

    You must be a divine intellectual to known the unknown. Freedom of your expression is freedom of your choice. Just tolerate yourself the agreed terms of freedom of expression and humanity. You must have been read the cover of freedom of expression but to be honest with you I have read the whole lot! That’s the difference! Just skimming through the media wouldn’t make you a better celebrity but reading in between the lines would make you more sensible and tolerable.

    Mohamed Ihusan, Male, Maldives

  23. there is an extension for firefox which helps in selecting what you want to view in

    link -

  24. Thank you for all your comments. We have expressed our views under the freedom of Expression banner. That's our job and we have done that.

    We will try to write more interesting stuff along the way and we need all your help. Your comments are helpful to upgrade the contents of this blog. If you find anything unacceptable/likes just leave us comment.

  25. Although I enjoyed the shitstorm I caused, it is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must admit that my experiment was a failure. 24 hours have gone by and I STILL haven't burst into flame. If there was a god, why didn't he get the news?. Slow ASL connection, maybe?. Satan was lagging the network up playing MMORPGs?

    Nevertheless, I have further mysteries to solve, for example, why anonymous commenter's are obsessed with their equipment (It's as if they have itty bitty ones in real life and want to play Internet Tough Guy!), and why they resort to random ad hominem attacks;- much to my amusement.

    Thank you atollcounselor for providing me with much laughs and a free ad-space.

  26. can you people shut up about the western culture bullshit. freedom and freethinking is not exclusive to the west, idiots. freedom is a human need, not a western one.
