Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why I support President Nasheed’s Transportation Network Policy - By Ibrahim Zuhuree

There is often a huge debate between me and atoll-counselor about Maldives having transportation network as a policy. A critic like atollcounselor argues that such a Network is not easy or even possible in Maldives and there is much else needs to be done without worrying about a stupid Transportation Network. But my argument is, even if the work is difficult we desperately need a functioning transportation Network in Maldives. Let me give some examples to strengthen my argument.

Firstly, in broader terms, at the centre of every major developmental era in recent history lies advancement in transportation networks. This includes proper roads, rail way tracks, automobiles, air plans, telecommunication and internet. All these include network examples where goods & services and people are allowed to be transferred from one place to other.

For a county like Maldives where the islands are dispersed all over the place requires a scheduled transportation system. Instead of building schools or hospitals in every island in the atoll we should have spent the money to build well equipped one secondary and one tertiary school in each atoll and then have a functioning transportation system where people are required to move from one place to the other. This mobilization strategy will not only be beneficial for the people but also for the overall development of the atoll though vibrant trade and services. These islands in the atolls could then become hubs for within and inter atolls where possible trade and services markets can flourish. I assume the current provincial systems started by the President Nasheed will have transportation as the key factor.

I will argue that President Nasheed’s point about being able to work in X island and come back to home to Y island for the night should not only be viewed as a dream but a fundamental necessity in Maldives. Some countries (E.G South Korea) went into huge deficits to make highways, bridges, and underground tunnels, but they knew those investments are absolutely needed for the Development.

Therefore, just like we invest on building schools and hospitals we should invest heavily on making a functioning transportation Network in Maldives.

1 comment:

  1. the concept of National transport network is a good concept brought by the British. but i dont think, this can be a feasible project to a country like maldives. cox there are more than 200 islands to be covered under this network. in that case there wont be enough passenger load from some islands.therefore they cannot run or sustain this project effectively. but this can be effective for more demanding areas like Male' and Hulumale or Hulhule..
