Monday, March 2, 2009

ac Competition Article 1: Maldivian’s Dignity on Sale - By Zikma

It seems to me that, these days, all the high ranking officials in the Maldives are begging other countries to assist us to maintain our luxurious or sometimes wasteful lifestyle of living. Everyday we see the news that some bureaucrats going to a foreign country to ask for assistance. In the past we have asked for Official Development Assistance (ODA) for social development programs, but recently we have started begging other countries for cash to provide basic public goods including paying the civil servant’s salary.

I am not convinced that Maldivian Citizens are well informed about the so called “Ehee” that we are receiving from foreign counties. Public may also not be aware of the “strings” attached to the assistance we have been receiving. So my question is, on this rampage of asking for assistance, are we really losing our dignity as Maldivians? Are we going to be pushed around by the other countries, or Are Maldivians “beauty” is been sold without public been informed?

Just to take one example, recently, in the name of attracting investment we see many MOU’s been signed between the Maldives and our donors, including 16 agreements between India and Maldives. I ask myself will there be a connection between the US $ 100.00 million we are expected to receive from the India and these MOU’s.

My argument is Maldivians have always had certain pride in independence and self sufficiency, including speaking on our own terms and stands in international forums. But it appears that if the current trend progress there may not be our own say any longer. So I think it maybe a good time for us to ask our politicians what they are really doing in the name of getting assistance. I have read about “vooraa” business men in Maldives, with this note, I leave the readers to make your own judgments about us getting so called assistance from every corner of the world.


  1. I think you have highlighted a very interesting issue here. I guess we were better off without foriegn assistence before. Nasheed wants to show off...but this his show off will inherit more deficit and impoverishment in long run. We should stop him NOW before we dig our own grave.
    - Hassan Muneer

  2. If you think we should run the show ourselves then why didn't you stop maumoon building those palaces and buying fancy yachts. Where were you when maumoons family get treatment on the expanse of our money from world class hospitals like Mount Elizebath in Singapore. Mr Muneer and MR zikra don't talk shit when someone is trying to help with an empty treasury. Instead of criticizing why don't you both give a sound solution to the matter, rather than telling us to stop the only leader who had been dragged for vocing out for the benefit of people.

  3. The palace was for the president of the Maldives, which the current president could also have stayed and hosted dignitaries for one thing, yet he wanted to expensively renovate muliyage, the yacht is owned by the government of maldives for one thing, yes it was more dignified before in many senses.
    Its not only the presidents family which go to world class hospitals. Others did too. Okay there were problems with the previous government but isnt it worse now?
    There will definitely be strings attached with these aids, what about most Maldivians who wont do a thing for another without a sai in return,
    its the same all over.
    Maldives did get foreign aid before, but it was more through proper channels. This is what happens when a child gets a teddy bear, you just dont know what to do with it, you yank it, drag it by the ear...the story goes on
    Maldives needs human self development, yet who is talking about that...
    As for the leader now, he came there will the help of Gasim and Saeed and look at where they are now, thanks to him.

  4. Minikaa Raaje meehaa India PM aaekee dhooni balaneetha....THiothee vaa Raaje akah dhevifa

  5. We made a very wrong choice. Dont we?

    Utheemu Radhun

  6. Kaley men kon rulhi eh thi annanee... hama onnani veri kamah araafa? dhenves verikan kuraanee aharumen...dhen lalaa lalaa

  7. Mee ehkala activistunge meehuntha dhoa miulheneee. GO GO GO to Cannibal Maldives. The other maldives is a bad choice. Gasim is better to be the president. BUH LHABEY menna kon verikameh kureveynee.....dhen lalaa lalaaa

  8. We shud appoint Dr.hassan as a president now! This MDP is a gangstar group.. Look people like "ziyattey" , Reko moosa..? How can they fit to be the top official of this country.recently DO sappey also appeared on TV? Eyna akee dhivehin ge aburaa emme ginain behunumeehaa…What’s his designation in this government and who pays his salary..

  9. The crook regime of BUH LHA BE

