Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Letter to Members of Parliament

Dear Members of Parliament,

Recent surge in gang violence and organized crimes is making our small nation increasingly inhospitable to the ordinary citizens, while majority of the resources and time is spent on rehabilitating the criminals and finding the solutions to stop these crimes.
We, the ordinary people, had to lock all our doors, windows and locked ourselves in our own home because there were too many thieves; we, the ordinary people, had to keep our children 24 hours locked inside our house because there were too many drug dealers and child molesters; we, the ordinary people, can’t go out and even enjoy a simple ride around Male’ because there were gangs who simply have no respect for others and threaten us. In every case it is us, the ordinary citizens, who are losing their way of life in this small country.

Dear Members of Parliament,

Where have you all been, every time there is a murder, you give a brag speech in the Majlis but there is no tangible outcome? More importantly, most of your speech in the parliament is so out of touch, and also very impractical in addressing and preventing the issues. We demand better solutions from you, not useless speeches to score political points in the Majlis. Please tell us what else you need. A hefty percentage of the state funds are going to provide you with a big salary, immunity and anything else you have asked. The majority of Maldivians believe it is not worth spending state funds on your excess wage package but this is done by your own self-indulgence ruling to cover up the legitimacy of constitutional and legal basis of payment. The fact is that the advanced countries have less reward for their Members of Parliament. For instance, in Australia, a Parliamentarian gets about MRF 70,000 a month with incentives less than or equivalent what the Maldivian Majilis Members acquires per month. Also, do not forget your absenteeism which is another issue as if you were been salaried to stay at home like pensioners - The above picture represents a good view of the current Majilis. Shame on you!

Dear Members of Parliament,

Emerging issue require innovative and forward thinking. After hearing you speak in the parliament, it is obvious the majority of you do not even understand the gravity of the interconnected issues with the crimes in Maldives. For instance, in the last round of street violence in Male’ it was so disturbing to see that while MP’s are oblivious of solutions. Gangsters gave a news conference in “Minivan 25” proposing their own solutions. Again this time, are we going see gangsters giving another news conference? Shame on us!

Dear Members of Parliament,

Sometimes you make me feel like “konfadha Badhu-Naseebethomee, dhonveli bimeygai levvumee” means “what a misfortune, been born to a white sandy island”. As an ordinary citizen I demand a better way of life where this small nation is not over run by thugs and gangsters, but will be ruled by law abiding ordinary citizens.


  1. This is the result of years and years of selling out and playing doormat to other countries for the money needed to fund extravagant lifestyles of the ruling elite.

    However, the "simple people" do not understand this. They have become "used" to the decay. When anarchy breaks out, it will be too late for us.

  2. as long as they get their fat salary and benefits why would they care! Politicians are too selfish to care about the people. Half the people are addicts,or violent criminals belonging to some gang. A good number of people live abroad. the rest is helpless citizens who are the victims. It seems that the politician's want to suffocate the people with all the craziness that goes in so most people would have a mental illness and a nervous breakdown to care about anything else. We all should be careful in choosing whom we vote this time for the parliament or should start an uprising against all poliitcians.

  3. And when anarchy breaks out, the South Asian Police Officer (India) will annex us. How delightful.

  4. For ten ways how to get rid of the MPs;
    1-Ask them to define constitution and law
    2-Ask to show the public thier academic certificates
    3-Tell them to quit their underworld businesses
    4-Take the positions of all their bank accounts – domestic/foreign
    5-Take the crap out of them for a month everywhere you see them
    6-Protest in front of their residences for a month nonstop or until they quite
    7-Seek help from Geneva and charge them for corruptions and treasons
    8-If then not quit, shoot them with rotten eggs (better free range rotten eggs)
    9-Make them house arrest by locking their main gates with crane locks
    10-If still show the repudiation shoot them with a WWII Gun. End of the story!


  6. Why Maldivians are silent on these issues...its our future and it our money and its our jobs. Why we just hold back and watch everything! We need to be proactive to challenge against the criminalls in the parliament. They are so called politicians but they are people who decieves the public for their greediness. There is one way or the high way. That is to protest against these thugs in the parliament. WHY WE KEEP OUR MOUTH SHUT! THIS IS YOUR MONEY YOUR COUNTRY YOUR FUTURE. YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO PROTEST AND TALK BACK AGAINST THIS CRIMINAL THUGS! ITS AN OBLIGATION TO EVERY CITIZEN! LETS FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS AS WE FOUGHT AGAINST THE PAST REGIMES! LETS DO IT BEFORE THEY EAT ALL OF US!
