At some point in our lives, everybody asks the big questions: "Who made us," and "Why are we here?"
So who did make us? Atheists speak of the Big Bang and evolution, whereas all others speak of God. Those who answer "I don't know" are atheist for all intents and purposes, not because they deny God's existence, but because they fail to affirm it.
Now, the Big Bang may explain the origin of the universe, but it doesn't explain the origin of the primordial dust cloud. This dust cloud (which, according to the theory, drew together, compacted and then exploded) had to come from somewhere. After all, it contained enough matter to form not just our galaxy, but the billion other galaxies in the known universe. So where did that come form? Who, or what, created the primordial dust cloud?
Similarly, evolution may explain the fossil record, but it falls far short of explaining the quintessential essence of human life—the soul. We all have one. We feel its presence, we speak of its existence and at times pray for its salvation. But only the religious can explain where it came from. The theory of natural selection can explain many of the material aspects of living things, but it fails to explain the human soul.
Furthermore, anyone who studies the complexities of life and the universe cannot help but witness the signature of the Creator.* Whether or not people recognize these signs is another matter—as the old saying goes, denial isn't just a river in Egypt. (Get it? Denial, spelled "de Nile" … the river Ni … oh, never mind.) The point is that if we see a painting, we know there is a painter. If we see a sculpture, we know there's a sculptor; a pot, a potter. So when we view creation, shouldn't we know there's a Creator?
The concept that the universe exploded and then developed in balanced perfection through random events and natural selection is little different from the proposal that, by dropping bombs into a junkyard, sooner or later one of them will blow everything together into a perfect Mercedes. In the color and trim of our hearts' desire, no less.
If there is one thing we know for certain, it is that without a controlling influence, all systems degenerate into chaos. The theories of the Big Bang and evolution propose the exact opposite, however—that chaos fostered perfection. Would it not be more reasonable to conclude that the Big Bang and evolution were controlled events? Controlled, that is, by the Creator?
The Arabs tell the tale of a nomad finding an exquisite palace at an oasis in the middle of an otherwise barren desert. When he asks how it was built, the owner tells him it was formed by the forces of nature. The wind shaped the rocks and blew them to the edge of this oasis, and then tumbled them together into the shape of the palace. Then it blew strands of sheep's wool together into rugs and tapestries, stray wood together into furniture, doors, windowsills and trim, and positioned them in the palace at just the right locations. Lightning strikes melted sand into sheets of glass and blasted them into the window-frames, and smelted black sand into steel and shaped it into the fence and gate with perfect alignment and symmetry. The process took billions of years and only happened at this one place on earth—purely through coincidence.
When we finish rolling our eyes, we get the point. Obviously, the palace was built by design, not by happenstance. To what (or more to the point, to Whom), then, should we attribute the origin of items of infinitely greater complexity, such as our universe and our lives?
Another classic argument for atheism focuses upon what people perceive to be the imperfections of creation. These are the "How can there be a God if such-and-such happened?" arguments. The issue under discussion could be anything from a natural disaster to birth defects, from genocide to grandmother's cancer. That's not the point. The point is that denying God based upon what we perceive to be injustices of life presumes that a divine being would not have designed our lives to be anything other than perfect, and would have established justice on Earth.
Hmm … is there no other option?
We can just as easily propose that God did not design life on Earth to be paradise, but rather a test, the punishment or rewards of which are to be had in the next life, which is where God establishes his ultimate justice. In support of this concept we can well ask who suffered more injustices in their worldly lives than God's favorites, which is to say the prophets? And who do we expect to occupy the highest stations in paradise, if not those who maintain true faith in the face of worldly adversity?
I would hope that, by this line of reasoning, we can agree upon the answer to the first "big question." Who made us? Can we agree that if we are creation, God is the Creator?
If we can't agree on this point, there probably isn't much point in continuing. However, for those who do agree, let's move on to "big question" number two—why are we here? What, in other words, is the purpose of life?
(To be continued)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Big Questions: Part One
The author, Dr Laurence B. Brown has given us his full consent to post his articles in this blog. He is the author of The First and Final Commandment (Amana Publications) and Bearing True Witness (Dar-us-Salam). Forthcoming books are a historical thriller, The Eighth Scroll, and a second edition of The First and Final Commandment, rewritten and divided into MisGod'ed and its sequel, God'ed. The following article is part one of the three part series:
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Alright, so God is great, He created everything. But who created God? Who gave Him the power? Who fashioned him? No one? Oh but I say, how can that be? Everything must have a creator.
ReplyDeleteThe palace in the barren desert story was hilarious. At showing how ignorant the author is in evolution, that is.
Good luck.
ReplyDeleteThat should be you. You must be the creator of god. You seem to know the truth as if you were there when everything was created.
Bravo, Anon. That's one way to handle the case, isn't it? By interjecting a totally useless retort.
ReplyDeleteYou are just entered the third dimension Simon...u know nothing any evolution..u r just a bunch of scum calling others seems u know everything but I am petty sure u know nothing as u r from nothing!!
ReplyDeleteYou are just one of a creation and your friends atheists are also within the creation and you have to accept it with the naked truth.
Allah said in his Book He is not like his creation and He is eternal. Therefore, everything which has a beginning and end is a creation. (eg: toy, engine, animals, human, planets, galaxies etc) but God has no beginning or no end and He is not LIKE his creation as He mentioned in the Quran. According to the Quran Allah tells us that He is the only creator and sustainer of all that exists and that nothing and no one exists alongside Him, nor does He have any partners. He tells us that He is not created, not is HE like His creation in anyway, He calls Himself by a number of names and three of them are:
1-The First – (Al-Awal)
2-The Last – (Al Akhir)
3-The Eternal, who is sought after by His creation, while He has no need from them at all (As-Samad)
Therefore, He always has existed and He never was created, as He is not like His creation, not similar to it, in ANYWAY. God is independent of his creation and he is eternal and out of the created domain. You are within the creation and no human will a have the capacity to understand the God’s dimension as it is HIGHLY unlikely to travel from our dimension to the unrevealed dimensions. So you are stucked within the defined dimension with your limited intellects.
It’s like a Robot challenges its creator and telling the other Robots that they were ‘evolved’ from a device. The fact to the matetr is a Robot will not have a capacity to create itself without a human hand and therefore, you are having a robotic mind. Its mind cannot go that far and never will be like the advanced human being.
Also, please answer question by question & refer to their numbers responding not repeating yourself
1-Who created a typical car?
2-Who created a factory?
3-Who created a Human?
4-Who created parents?
5-Who created monkeys?
6-Who created other animals?
7-Who created bacteria?
Ramix - Malaysia KL
Loser Simon, read this....
ReplyDeleteLet’s say what Darwin has to say at the closing of his book - The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin, A facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s. 189;
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, MY THEORY WOULD ABSOLUTELY BREAK DOWN. But I can find NO such case”
By the creation of the first electronic microscope, Darwinism defined as little bump of carbon (a cell) as life was simple but it becomes the opposite which cell is a much more complex living being having capable of multiplying and producing energy with a complex defensive mechanism to protect itself from any intruders. By saying that the first cell came into existence by chance of thus totally invalidated. In 1955, James and Francis revealed with the discovery of the structure of DNA that living things contained very special genetic information encoded in the nuclei of their cells and this data could not be changed by acquired characteristics.
Advances in the field of fossil science also place the theory of evolution in a worsening quandary with every passing day. There was not a trace of the intermediate forms alleged linked to species one another. According to the theory, it took millions of years for specie to change one another. In the physiological point of view there were thousands and even millions of intermediate forms between them. No of fossils belongs to these should be numbered in trillions and the strata of the earth will be full in this intermediate forms. However, despites of years of excavation not a single intermediate form of all the millions or in theory in billions are never been found or encountered. But today speculations continues, with regards to just a few dozen fossils and all of these aren’t having any case been proven not to be intermediate forms but rather particular and extinct specimen. Now the best known evolutionist palaeontologist More today honestly admits that no longer any hope that any intermediate forms will ever be found. You can read one of the books of Stephen G. Gould who has known in the field for more proofs.
But more profound blow of the theory of evolution came only recently from the field of Biochemistry. According to Michael Behe a professor of Biochemistry in Lehigh University of Pennsylvania, it isn’t possible for the complex organs in living things to have come about by means of natural selections and mutations which show that the cell was created. Please read “Evolution and Theory in Crisis” written by a geneticist name by Michael Denton an Australian.
Take one bacteria and its geocentric molecular movement as like a rotating shaft which acts as means to move in any directions and stops with simultaneous movements. If the rotating shaft loses one of its fibres it’s not gonna work? So how come it comes from so called ‘natural selection’???? Therefore, DARWIN IS WRONG whether anyone agrees or not given that his final closing argument to solve his evolution theory.
Peace all
Natural selection by random mutations cannot be responsible for highly complex organs/creations. This should be obvious to anyone with intelligence and honesty. Even if evolution is true the engine that drives it CANNOT be a natural process. Maybe our DNA has in it the instructions to undergo changes overtime resulting in new species ???
ReplyDeleteThis also means that Atheism has a BIG problem !!
Guys! do you know about this dick sucking Simon!? When the univers came into being Darwin was watching from every corner of the creation. Along with Darwin was a little boy sucking Darwins middle finger. That little boy was Simon. So do not challenge Simon he knows every secret about all creations. Guess what! Bloody Simon was there when God descended to RAPE Virgin Mary and made her pregnant to carry his Son Jesus in her womb. Simon fellow! you are an ignorant bastard! Like your Christian farthers. You are the people who speak an illogical language by saying HE is one but HE is three. Simon the dick Sucker go and burry your dick in Archibishop of Cantebury's ass whole.
ReplyDelete‘Anon’,I know him through this blogsphere and it seems this Simon knows every bloody truth between heavens and in the earth. He acts as like a well-known intellectual on every subject on the earth as if he was like a ‘god’.
ReplyDeleteThere are few in this blogsphere who spread hatred and destroy this society with means of divisions. One of them is this Simon! Everyone who opens up their mind against these losers they just attack as if they were fallen angels who know every subject on the cosmos and resolve problems ‘just like that’ with their intolerant behaviour . Sometimes, they act as they were the savers of the human population lending their hands to poor, disability people, freedom seekers, democratize the nation, and the list goes on. But speaking about freedom and democracy their philosophy stands only with what they believe on and the rests are been ignored while making them illogical, arrogant and ignorant.
You can see how this so called 'Simon' as known as ‘the man who knows everything’ bashes the author of this article without knowing the guy personally and calling him as ignorant. People just can’t condemn people just only to prove their viewpoints and if so, it has to be in a logical manner without degrading the other friend –human being. May be they do it just to gain some sort of media hype. According to Einstein such people are more ignorant than the people who they call as ignorant. AS to prove my point I will give a quote from their favourites; "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." Albert Einstein
If someone closely examines of the whole concept of this ‘evolution theory’ they will be surprised of its flows and little evidence the twenty first century archaeologists have. I agree with Shafiu’s comment about this evolutionary theory and I think there are lot of other academics in the scientific arena who denounce the Darwinic theory of evolution.
BTW these people base their believing principles on just a ‘theory’ and so far it’s not proven with the advanced scientific disciplines we have now. The further the scientists go they see evidences that show the theory becomes like a smokescreen! However, a human mind can reason out with facts and figures that such a ‘theory’ will not have a jargon in the whole concept of the complex creation. I guess people divert from the truth because for their own convenience to benefit from this materialistic world. “If they do good, you do good for your own selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves” Quran, Al-Isra 17:7. Therefore, this people know the truth within themselves with all their hearts and minds but they just can’t stand with the truth with their little knowledge!
Ramix - Malaysia
Dear Readers,
ReplyDeletePlease do not write or leave any offensive/vulgar comments in this blog and we appreciate if you could criticize your viewpoint(s) for subject matters in a decent approach. Or else we might delete such inappropriate comments.
Thanks for the comments
atollcounselor – blog media officer
Dear All,
ReplyDeleteIt was amazing how God answered Dr Brown's humble prayer instantly. I swear that if any/ all of us do a humble, genuine prayer & make covenant with God 'to follow God's commands', God instantly would answer all our prayers. Remember we need to fulfill our promise too!!!
"... I started on a spiritual search, 19 years ago ..." Dr. Laurance Brown, USA
Allah Akbar! God is the Greatest!
Guys look at this link. The founder of the Himeyn Ingilaabu. Can he be the next president of Maldives?