Monday, January 26, 2009

Buying a new piece of land for fellow Maldivians?

The day before the presidential inauguration Mr Nasheed gave an exclusive interview to a foreign media in regards of buying a land for the people of Maldives by fearing the sea level rise by up to 59 cm by 2100 as per UN prediction. This is what the new president of Maldives said in his interview to the Guardian; we can do nothing to stop climate change on our own and so we have to buy land elsewhere. It's an insurance policy for the worst possible outcome. After all, the Israelis [began by buying] land in Palestine,"

Does the local media reflect on this interview? "I guess the answer would be a No" atollcounselor environmental contributor (AEC) said. Indeed, the global foreign media and individuals were concerned about this interview. If they could reach one of us their very first reaction always would be asking about the new homeland and the climate change in Maldives. Our respond to this would be a strange face to the concerned foreign individuals or the media. The truth is that people never heard of this radical plan. As far as environmental policy concerns, the past regime did not draft any migratory plans or else never been brought up this issue during their administration neither of any parties mentioned that in their election campaigns. “This is not a small issue that we consider ignorable” AEC said. Then, how Mr Nasheed could reveal a migratory radical plan to foreign media without addressing to the Maldivian public?

Last few months, this topic instigated a talking point of the foreign media. “Frankly, if a Maldivian being asked by the foreign media no one could possibly be responding on this subject matter” AEC said. Whatsoever, the president goes beyond his dream radical plan and said “Sri Lanka and India were targets because they had similar cultures, cuisines and climates. Australia was also being considered because of the amount of unoccupied land available.” Do you know now why foreigners are been too concerned of this radicalized ideas? Wouldn't this issue end up in sovereignties of countries that he mentioned?

With the exception of Palestine, he has mentioned one of the most troubled lands on earth - India and Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan government and Tamil Tigers are fighting against each other for a piece of land for decades whilst India and Pakistan are fighting in Kashmir for the same cause building nuclear arsenals to proclaim victory. On the other hand, Aboriginals in Australia are still protesting for their land rights for centuries without much notice from the media. Thus, as history concerns, lands are the motive behind every war that took place in the past centuries which continues till date.

“This might be Mr Nasheed’s dream plan but a migration policy would harm our culture and faith if they wish to choose the path of new regime’s approach” AEC said. He added, prediction does not harmonize with reality when nature theatres its part in the global environment.

“I hope NASA could help us in execution of our migration plan to planet Mars when they find water as currently there are no lands on sales on the planet earth for 380, 000 people” AEC said with amusing tone.


  1. Very much fact based good writing. I have seen some articles regarding this matter on local news. But it was just that nasheed said this and nasheed said that about this. Thats all. rather than that. But on this article, the writer have focused beyond what nasheed said regarding the matter.

  2. Always a pleasure to read your posts and I agree with most of ur points and facts. Good Work!

  3. Maldives should build a giant floating city so when the water level goes up they will just loose their land, but they would not loose their homes.

  4. -12uzi-
    Hello counsellor, Mr. Nasheed was brave enough to put the spot light back on the environmental issues facing Maldives. It is hard to believe, but true that Maldivians will soon be among the the environmental refugees due to climate change. So it is time to ask hard questions like this and I commend Mr. Nasheed

  5. we dont need any sweet cutting by the new goverment..
    DR.DIDI also said before he sit for the minister for fisheres & agriculture that we can grow paddy fields and produce rice for the maldivian population. even in Kulhudhufushi he mentioned that fruits, vegetables and even meat can be produced in mass numbers to cater the 300000 population. this can be a suprising news for those who are new to this field but anyone who work in the technical side of agriculture will make joke on him..
