Saturday, February 21, 2009

Flight Gossip by Amma-T

I met this kid on the plane and he was having a guitar on one hand while listening to his MP3 player. I was curiously watching his movement because this kid is an unknown businessman.

This is what his conversation was when he introduced to his old friend on the plane. This businessman was sitting in the mid raw and his friend was sitting in his left seat. His friend asked why he was travelling and he responded that he was going to Malaysia for a brokerage deal. His friend could not understand what he was talking about and asked for an elaboration. His response was quite skeptical and simply said he was going to sell a resort.

I was like wow! How this hippie kid with an earring in his ears and a clumsy beard with long hair could sell a resort? He looks young and must be between 18 to 21 years old but he was talking about multimillion dollar business deal. Is this really happening in Maldives?

I discussed the matter with a friend when we board our next flight in Malaysia. My friend advises me that it is plausible to happen because of the nature of the current atmosphere in Maldives. He teasingly said that there are long haired and creepy whiskers working in Presidential Office and other areas of the government. I waited for a while and agreed his teasing tones. He goes why not? I shook my head like our neighbouring brothers. “Yeah it could happen”, undecidedly I responded.

He stopped my conversation and asked me to think of the President’s Italy trip. He suggests that there are well known alcoholics, boneheads, fraudulent minds and hypocrites attended the Italy business trip just to do multimillion dollar business. He added that attending Lolly Jabir and Sappe to the government official trip was something very serious. As well, the long haired guy and Zaki attending to this trip confirms that they were holidaying in Italy with Nasheed’s drink mates. “But the funny thing is that this group tries to convince the people via Public Radio and TV channels that they were signing treaties with Italy without much details of those agreements and MOUs” he said.

‘Who are these people?’ I asked him the question out of my curiosity and let him to natter to make the long trip more interesting. This friend of mine was hilarious. “I thought you know this crowd” he said hesitantly. I told him that I am not sure about the Italy crowd but I am sure of one thing and most of them are from “Harugesphere” activists who run the current regime.

He continued while bending his thumb for Sappe, he commented Sappe was the most dishonest person on the face of the earth. Then he bended his index finger for Lolly and said he is another bonehead who seems to know everything but nothing just a bonehead. Then his middle finger was crooked for Zaki and said that this man is well known alcoholics who supposed be jailed longtime back. He then bend his forth finger and said this weird long haired guy seems to be like drug edict and he must be on drugs and will be signing MOUs for cheap drugs and Italian Ganjas.

I intervened and told him that the responsibility lies to the President himself and he seems to be quite unnatural for what he was doing while seems to keep his big mouth shut. He jumped on my comment and said you have already forgotten about the Sulza Shiraz brand wine and he must be on that and couldn’t bother to be part of the crowd.
At this point, the cabin crew asked for the choice of the lunch from him and we stopped this interesting conversation for the flight lunch break but the continuation of this chat was completely adjourned because of my nap after lunch. We landed on our known destination and head back to two different directions as we call our second home.


  1. To the point and entertaining. We should have more stories like these.Wonder when something will be done about this by the people who wanted change. Maybe most people wanted such a rowdy crowd in the first place

  2. Not all long-haired guys are on drugs. We shouldn't think like our old generation who like to stereotype people depending on their outer image.

    I agree that there are quite incapable people in Anni government. But I think it's still a fresh breath of air that the youth can now comfortably pursue their own style without their parents telling them every day to cut their hair short. It's nice to see more casual people as TVM presenters rather than tight lipped "abui" people on TVM earlier during His Royal Highness Maumoon's time.

  3. Hilath I disagree with you but I think decency is something that is accountable in government agencies and the business enviornment because of the competition and the nature of the environment. What if someone went with to a business meeting without taking a shower and dressed like a roundy guy. What ppl will think of him? Does that guy will get the respect? I dont think so! But if someone goes with a decent dress with a good outer image then ppl with take the guy seriously! this is the real world senario! anyway this is my opinion but i respect urs! cheers
