Sunday, February 22, 2009

Indian Customerized food – by Mohamed Laic Hussain

I went to a Muslim gathering today with a workmate where attendents were from Europe and second generation Australians with Indian subcontinent personalities. It was the dinner time and brothers and sisters of different ages with various professionals attended this friendly congregation. Most of them are technical engineers and managers with few bachelors just commenced their first few months of their new careers.

Everyone introduced each other and some of them exchanged their business cards. Unfortunately, I am the only Maldivian who attended this gathering but people thought I was from Pakistani origin and some considered I was from a Middle East country.

Anyway, I have introduced to them as a Maldivian. Once they known where I was from people talked the tininess of our country and the current political atmosphere in Maldives. Most of the brothers from the group have known the era of Maumoon but they have little knowledge of the new president of Maldives. However, one of the brothers from Bangladesh had some knowledge of the conflicts of Maldives via the local TV Networks.

He mentioned that he has seen the golden toilets of the Presidential Palace where he thought Mr Gayoom was the real King of Maldives. Well, I told the group that Maldives is no longer a kingdom but the new president of Maldives has some resemblance as like Mr Gayyoom spreading his power to define the repetitive terms of his forthcoming presidency terms and Parliamentary elections.

Some were very curious of this political discussion but some seems to be bored and scratching their heads whether to leave or not. Since, realization of their demeanors I have been forced to change the topic. By the time the subject matter been changed a brother called us to join the set dinner table.

To be honest, I have been to Indian restaurants and some cities across the world but the enjoyment of eating the "Indian customerized food" was astonishing. What I meant by customerization food signifies that its proportionality and quantity with its balanced flavour where families prepared their preferences at best as if the dishes were made for the iron-chef contest. Without a doubt, each family brought up something to the dinner table from their homes for this gathering.

It is really hard to describe the varieties on the table but I was filling my dinner plate picking up everything along the way while I reached at the end of the table my plate was like a bumpy mountain where no human could eat such a massive dish. Undeniably, I took the chance to taste these customerize food because I knew the food will be different from commercialize Indian food from restaurants and city malls.

Indeed, I was absolutely right. My expectation of the dinner table was way too different than I expected and it was incredibly awesome. I could not bother to take a drink and end up eating the whole mountain of food without a lungful of air. Believe it or not, I end up eating the second plate without much notice of the rest. This time I had “Indian Naan”. Honestly, this was way too awesome. I wish I could have known the cook of these dishes where I can ask for the recipe and cook myself everyday at my home.

Before, I am someone who hates these sorts of foods but I do eat these indian subcontinent foods as they are part of our lives. Although, one thing is for sure, I never enjoyed this much customerized food in my whole life. I have been blessed today and for those who brought the food and gathered with us today I say thank you so much mates! God bless all!

1 comment:

  1. knowing you i am not surprised that you ate a whole mountain of food. event though you deny about eating, you do eat a lot! and true to yourself you have written something against my lovely anni! :P lol anyway i am glad you got to taste such good food truly indian cuisine is one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. missing you a lot
