Thursday, February 12, 2009

Islam and Homosexuality

Homosexuality is unlawful in Islam. It is neither accepted by the state nor by the Islamic Society. Quran clearly states that it is unjust, un-natural, transgression, ignorant, criminal and corrupt. The people living in the time of Prophet Loot (PBUH) (Nephew of Abraham) were involved in this act and Allah punished them severely and the whole nation was destroyed through an exemplary punishment, whose ominous signs are still visible in the south of the Dead Sea.

Of course, we all heard the Sadoom story transmitted from our local TV in every Ramazan. Though, Qur'an narrated the story more than once. In the Islamic jurisprudence the punishment of the homosexual is harsher than the fornicator. All the religions including Judaism and Christianity could neither permit nor tolerate a crime that God Himself described as having no parallel in the human history and being the most heinous in nature. Besides, Muslim Jurists agree that, if proven of guilt, both of them should be punished with capital punishment. However, jurists differ on the methodology of capital punishment. In fact, it is a great injustice with women.

The fact is that there are “gay Muslims” out there in the Maldives that are justifying their homosexual behaviour. They argue that Allah embraces them all people no matter what their sexual orientation. If some Muslim is indulged in this crime that is highly wicked in the sight of Islam, and still attempts to justify his or her behaviour, it amounts only to ridiculing Islam and its code of sexual conduct. Such person should at least feel ashamed and admit so rather than being proud of being gay or lesbian.

I am no judge to declare whether a gay or lesbian still remains a true Muslim or not. As per the paradigm of moral principle, a person negates faith when he or she renounces what brings him or her within its folds. What I insist is that such people must repent and cure themselves. It is absurd to coin and use the term “Muslim gay” or “gay Muslim”. A true Muslim submits to the commands of God, who has strongly condemned and prohibited this behaviour.

Islam is “evolving” in the sense that it provides most modern and scientific answer to any issue that comes forth in any age or society. However, it rejects the type of evolution that is injurious to human development and growth. Hence, it will never accept manners like homosexuality, lesbianism or the like because all such acts are un-natural and harmful for human race.

However, first let me correct absolutely wrong assumption in the gay community.People think that they are born as gay, but this is not true. To write this article I have done an extensive research but I found nothing rational to justify that homosexuality is a genetically inherited act. The fact is that I couldn’t find any real proof for their arguments.

In the twenty first century the Human Right issue is central to everything. What I believe is that an individual's rights and aspirations are respected as long as they do not clash with norms of life. That needs no argument. Is so, I believe a burglar can justify his wrongdoing by saying that its genetically inherited act and demand his rights of burglary. And, we have been continuously making sound reasoning to prove that homosexuality, like similar other wrongs, is against nature and destructive for human species, and its social and sociological norms. So, the solution is to stop. Bear in mind, if wrongs are not voluntarily corrected by the individual or the society, then Nature intervenes. That is what we have started witnessing.

Finally, a sick person is not hated, rather taken special care of. More research, more understanding and more support are required to bring back these somewhat lost men. But they will have first to admit that something had gone wrong.


  1. Well explained and i find this piece of article very interesting. Weldone!

  2. i dont like 'em...too much to bother!
