Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Misconceptions about Islam

Non-Muslim and hatred driven people think Islam is somehow seems to promote “terrorism”. Muslims would argue that this is fundamentally untrue. Muslims would say that Islam is rooted in justice and compassion and that it categorically does not support the deliberate torture and/or oppression, and/or captivity and/or killing of innocent individuals.

In fact, regardless of whether these actions are committed by governments, nations, groups, and/or individuals, such actions would simply be viewed as wrong –whoever did them. Also, Muslims argue, terrorists by definition, treat life as cheap but that in Islam, life is a sacred trust. Muslims would point out that life is so cherished in Islam that the Quran records, “whoever saves the life of one person, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.”

Often people arguably confuses Islam with a particular culture or the actions of particular individuals. Arguably this is the most frequent mistake and certainly a very common one. Like people of other religions, Muslims are of various stripes, some devout, some casual, and yet others whose actions are frequently unislamic. Muslims would remind people that just because one meets someone calling himself a Muslim who behaves in a certain way, it does not mean that his actions reflect Islam.

One way to understand this is to consider the various cases of Christian priests sexually molesting little boys. Do such actions reflect Christianity? What about white supremacists who distort Christianity to further their cause and terrorize people, does that mean their actions are Christian? Most people would rightly say: “Of course not!” Muslims would simply ask that they be judged by a similar standard. “Unislamic actions committed by Muslims do not define Islam” would be their response. In other words, “Muslim” does not always equal “Islam.”

In fact, since Islam is not based on mere opinion, it is quite easy to identify Islamic positions on various topics. Islam is primarily based on the Quran [the word of God, as revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Archangel Gabriel] and Sunnah [the example of the Prophet, his authentic recorded sayings (Hadith) and life (Seerah)].

Muslims have even been admonished in Quran 60:5 “Our Lord! Make us [Muslims] not a [test and] trial for non-Muslims” indicating that the unislamic actions of some Muslims can sometimes confuse others who are not knowledgeable about Islam, This is a source of genuine concern to practicing Muslims. Muslims would suggest that if you want to learn about Islam, look to the Quran and Sunnah (example of the prophet) and practicing, devout Muslims.


  1. So the question is why do good Muslim remain silent as the image of Islam is tarnished by people pretending to be Muslims?

  2. We have to tie all our hands to march thru the tenet of Islam and convince the rest we are here for one reason just to do good and die peacefully!

  3. In the twenty first century globe we see sickening doctrine where a distinct tribe of people have being subjected of isolation and blamed for every dilemma around us. If we initiate a meaningful dialogue against the nature of this overbearing notion we will be regarded as extremist, terrorist, “Harbist” or a backward ideologist.

    The fact to the matter is overwhelmingly exuberant. During these times when the affliction upon the people of Islam is exacerbated, Islam continues to suffer ruthless attacks by its cunning “so called Muslims” and their associates. Having little knowledge with their autonomy transformed them into superior intellects while others were portrayed as totalitarians. These are the times of hardship and misery when the Muslim defies convincing himself about the certainty of the reversed facts. This is expected when polytheism becomes religious monotheism, when adulation of the enemies of Allah is regarded as wisdom and craftiness, when slackening to support and defend the oppressed Muslims is a sign of intelligence and aptitude. In short, when truth becomes falsehood and falsehood becomes truth. Living these critical times, one feels the urgent need of those honest and trustworthy people of knowledge and religion who are sincere to Allah, His Book, His Messenger and to the true Imams of the Muslims and their common folk.

    Unfortunately, we observe that many of those who claim to have knowledge are negligent in declaring the truth and in inviting people to it. Instead they garnish the falsehood and dissolute its identity in order to justify their negligence while accepting the transient adornments of this world. This leads the ignorant blind-followers to regard the statements made by these false men of religion as true evidence to dismiss them from preparing for revival

  4. Anonymous 6:19am,

    Have you ever heard of plain-speaking? This sort of meaningless gibberish is what is wrong with socalled intellectuals. Utter nonsense.

    "The fact to the matter is overwhelmingly exuberant." WTF?
