Friday, March 6, 2009

Do we really need lot of Ministers in the Maldives?

Believe it or not the current regime has employed more than 68 ministers and state ministers to run a small country. A place where no natural resources and only survive with tourism, which makes up more than a third of the country’s economy.

The regime talks about selling a presidential yacht and cars to cut costs and pay off the inherited debts run up by the previous regime. Anni says he is selling the assets to survive the current economic crisis.

“What about the brand new cars he bought? Why wouldn’t he save money by using the existing facilities if he is being a professor of economics…I guess he can do some good math to save money rather than importing brand new cars for his Ministers” ac Foreign Policy Contributor said. He added that a primary kid can do the math for the operating cost of a car with its mileage within the two kilometer zone. “I believe if he wants to run the administration smoothly he should cut off costs by reducing ministerial positions and wage with their incentive package” he said.

This is what Abdulla Mausoom of the DRP said there were "more pressing issues" the government should be concerned about. "Selling a chair that the president used is not a change. They should make certain changes rather than selling off a speedboat or a dinghy. Nasheed has appointed over 68 ministers and state ministers already. If you are talking of a lean government, there are other things you should be doing," he said.

The cat fight seems to be interesting in respect with DRP’s comment. The point is that their blaming game does not help the normal citizens. As the opposition DRP is doing a poor job as like the "Maakanaa Show" on Villa TV. “We think DRP is accountable and they should make this government responsible but instead they are just like "whale watchers" on the side lines” an anonymous DRP supporter said.

Nasheed is being busy with his foreign partners attending conferences and one to one interviews to pass onto his messages to his brothers in UK as if he was elected by the British public. Interestingly, during Dr Waheed’s last Vice Presidential trip to UK, he thanked the British government and her people for the favours and contributions they made during the upheld democratic process in the Maldives. But the British MP slammed back to Dr Waheed by correcting his statement saying that his government or the people of United Kingdom do not owe any pay-back from the island nation. Instead, he suggests that all the praise and respect must be paid to the normal citizens of Maldives rather his own people or someone else.

“Still they want to run the administration as like the previous regime by upholding the same tone of foreign policy and degrading their very own people as if we were like black market slaves” said the ac foreign policy contributor. “We heard the promises and we keep that in our hearts but if they follow the selfish path the pay-offs will be dreadful at the end of the presidential term” he said with fuming tone.


  1. We have the highest per capita GDP in South Asia. Why not highest per capita ministers for any nation. lol!

  2. The previous government was leaner in this respect. What are all these people doing. They need to be accountable. The media and opposition is responsible to play this part.
    Maldivians need to be more aware of whats happening around them.

  3. this planet has 6 billion people living on it. shall we protest against that? and the usual tirade "the media should play its part. accountable.. opposition." bah

  4. Lets go on for a commercial add to protest against this regime. and call for the 6 billion to participate the protest and I will be the head. anon you will be my assistant! hows that? give me a call ok! my no is 777 777 777
